A year ago, on March 10, 2006 an exciting new  exhibit opened at the Field Museum in Chicago.    This exhibit is called “Evolving Planet”.  It is the successor of a previous  exhibit, “Life over Time”, which for years had showed visitors to the Museum how life had evolved on  earth.  With the passage of the years, “Life over Time” had become tired and somewhat outmoded.  The Museum staff took five years to  rework its setting and contents.  The result, now named “Evolving Planet”, is designed to show the public how our world has developed  from its beginnings 4.5 billion years ago.   Have you seen this production?  If not, I hope that this paper will encourage you to do so.  It occupies a hall on the second floor of the Museum and is readily accessible seven days a week. 

            Any discussion of the development of our world must include three parts: the changing structure of the earth’s crust, the evolving life forms on it, and the time within which all of this took place.  These elements are interdependent.  The evolution of life forms needed time in order to unfold.  As we shall see, the changing life forms as they became fossilized in rocks facilitated an interpretation of the age of those rocks.  And the rock structure of the world itself has been molded and remolded over time.  Time, structure of the earth’s crust, and life: These are the elements of “Evolving Planet”.   In our discussion today we want to focus on the time it has taken the planet to evolve and the subdivisions of that time within which particular events occurred. 

            Curiosity about time on earth did not start with the construction of “Evolving Planet”.  A Hindu creation myth tells us:  “before time began there was no heaven, no earth and no space between.  A vast dark ocean washed upon the shores of nothingness.  A giant cobra floated on the waters.  Asleep within its coils lay the Lord Vishnu.”  The myth goes on to say how Vishnu created Brahma and how Brahma created the world – all in a remote  mythic time. 

      The Judeo-Christian myth, as detailed in the Book of Genesis, provides a shorter span of time within which the earth as we know it today might have developed.  There is a key within Genesis that allows the extent of that time to be determined.    In the 17th Century an Irish Archbishop, James Ussher, sat down at his desk and calculated the age of the earth.  He reasoned that one might do so by counting the generations of men as given in the Bible, back through such  events as the capture of Jericho and Noah’s flood, to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.          By this method he derived 4004 BC as the year of Creation.  This date was soon refined by Lightfoot at Oxford to 9 AM October 26, 4004. 

            The Ussher/Lightfoot calculus would only give the planet six thousand years from the creation to the present time within which to evolve.  Such restraints would seem to favor cataclysmic events in the not too distant past, followed by a relatively static earth.  Such a  scheme was pushed forward in the 18th Century by Professor Abraham Gottlob Werner of the School of Mining in Freiburg, Germany.  According to Werner, the rocky skeleton of our landscape had been precipitated out of a gigantic world ocean some time during the past six thousand years.  This ocean was identified as having been  identical with Noah’s flood, and hence Werner’s explanation was consonant with events as described in the Book of Genesis.  He envisioned us as living in a young world, the geological features of which had been formed in the not too distant past and which had not changed significantly since.  Certain features of Werner’s construct seem consistent with the facts.  For instance, as much as 70% of the earth’s rocks are sedimentary.  Sedimentary rocks must originally have been laid down horizontally (if they had been formed as sediment), the older layers under those laid down more recently.  But the Werner theory suffered from inconsistencies with the facts.  How to account for the wild disorder found in many rock formations?  In nature, rocks are frequently upended, distorted, folded and discontinuous.  How to understand igneous rock types such as basalt and granite, which seem  to occur not in layers but rather to have   intruded between and around layers of sedimentary rock?  Where did these rock types come from?  Additionally, Werner never explained what had happened to the water that must have been abundant enough in the great flood  to cover the earth, including the highest mountains of the Alps.  Late in the 18th Century Werner’s Neptunism was ripe for a challenge. 

            The challenge to Abraham Werner and to all other geotheorists who confined their  schemes of formation of the earth  within the traditional six thousand year boundaries came from a Scottish country gentleman, James Hutton.  It’s curious that Hutton is not well known, while other pioneers of modern science such as Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur are household names.  Perhaps Hutton’s obscurity reflects the fact that the path to geologic understanding is strewn with rocks and boulders, while knowledge of evolution and infectious disease is  more accessible. 

            James Hutton was born in Edinburgh in 1726.  He initially was drawn to the study of medicine and received a medical degree from the University of Leyden in 1749.  By that time, however, his interests had changed.  He inherited a farm in the Scottish borders near Berwick and spent the years 1754 to 1767  managing his property.  He also, in those fruitful years, looked at the geological formations in the landscape around him and came to certain conclusions.  In the first place he saw no need for extraordinary mechanisms such as floods to account for its rock formations.  Instead he could explain features of the landscape by the operation of mechanisms such as weathering and erosion coupled with upheavals of the earth resulting from heat from  within the planet.  Certain igneous  rocks, such as basalt and granite, the origin of  which Werner had ascribed to deposition from the world ocean, Hutton found to be  products of  extrusions of hot magma from within the earth.

Hutton kept looking for features of the Scottish landscape awhich would prove his theory of the formation of the earth.  He found one of the most striking of these at Siccar Point.  This point of land sticks out into the North Sea about thirty miles south-east of Edinburgh.  It consists of vertical pillars of a sedimentary rock, greywacke, surmounted by horizontal layers of a younger sedimentary rock, red sandstone.  Hutton could only believe that the greywacke had originally been laid down in horizontal layers and that it had been shifted into the vertical by upheavals in the earth, following which layers of sand had been deposited on top of the greywacke and had slowly hardened into red sandstone.  This process must have taken long stretches of time, far more than would have been available for it in the traditional scheme of Archbishop Ussher and Professor Werner.   According to Hutton the earth should be thought of as  a dynamic system functioning over “immeasurable time”.    At the core of Hutton’s thought was the notion that the same mechanisms which govern the earth today have been present and functioning throughout its history, and that our earth is the product of their activity.  This view is called ‘uniformitarianism’, since the development of the earth has been  uniform and not the product of extraordinary events. 

James Hutton was a member of the Scottish Enlightenment, a remarkable group of men centered in Edinburgh, Scotland in the second half of the Eghteenth Century.   They included David Hume, the philosopher, Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nationa, Hutton’s close friend, the chemist Joseph Black, discoverer of carbon dioxide, and James Watt, inventor of the steam engine and one of the authors of the industrial revolution.  These people looked critically at the world around them and used the process of reason to interpret what they saw.  The result was an upheaval in thinking and the beginning of the modern world.  On March 7, 1785 Hutton’s ideas about the formation of the earth were presented before the Royal Society of Edinburgh.  This lecture, subsequently published in a 95 page report in the Transactions of the Society, established Hutton as one of the founders of contemporary geology.

            Hutton’s concept of the dynamic earth was not immediately accepted by the people in Europe interested in such matters, but it was not totally rejected either.  Members of his immediate circle kept his ideas alive.  Then in 1830 a gifted communicator, Charles Lyell, wrote one of the seminal books of the 19th Century, The Principles of Geology, in which Hutton’s uniformitarianism was explained in a convincing manner.  When Charles Darwin set off on his trip around the world in the Beagle he took a copy of Lyell’s book with him.  For the theory of evolution to work an immense span of time  was necessary.  This time was provided by Hutton’s theory, as transmitted by Lyell. 

The Field Museum’s “Evolving Planet” is based on  Hutton’s concept of a dynamic earth reinventing itself over periods of time that are  so large as to be difficult for us to comprehend.  However, Hutton’s work by itself was not enough to allow us to uncover the various stages through which the earth passed from its first formation to the present time.  It required the work of a number of able men in Europe in the last years of the Eighteenth Century and first half of the Nineteenth Century to create for us the geologic time scale as we know it today.  Such a time scale would show the periods in earth’s history, the way the earth was shaped during those periods, and the animal and plant life associated with them.  You will notice that these men were able to develop their theories of the formation of our planet because Hutton had freed them from the old rigid boundaries of time.   Of these men who gave us the tools with which the geologic time scale was created one of  the most notable was an Englishman, William Smith. 

William Smith was born in Oxfordshire in 1769.    As a young man he learned the art of land surveying through an informal apprenticeship.  In the late 1790’s work on an estate in the Somerset coal fields gave  him experience in surveying rock outcroppings.  This was the era of canal building.  Canals were necessary in England to move coal from mines where it was dug to the cities where it was used.  Smith as resident engineer of the Smithfield Coal Canal Company was commissioned to survey the line for two new canals and to supervise their construction.  As the earth was removed with pick and shovel  in straight lines over substantial distances in canal construction, the underlying rock strata were revealed.  Smith found these rock strata to be rich in fossils.  The fossils of lower (and therefore older) strata were those of simpler organisms.  Those of higher (and more recently deposited) strata contained evidence of more complex organisms.  Over distance, the fossils contained in a single stratum of rock were found to identify that stratum.  Early in 1796 Smith had written a brief private note on the conclusions he had reached in his work on the  canal.  He mentioned “the wonderful order and regularity with which nature had  disposed of these singular productions [i.e. fossils] and assigned to each class its peculiar stratum.”  These “characteristic fossils” served to identify a stratum.   As time went on and Smith traveled more widely in England, he was able to show that strata of rock widely separated in distance could be connected one to the other by similarity of contained fossils.  This concept of “characteristic fossils” was dependent, of course, on the notion that certain life forms evolved, spread widely, and then died out during a defined period of time.   In 1815 Smith published a “Geologic Map of England, Wales and Part of Scotland”, a rigorous treatment of geologic information.  It showed understanding of the basic geological principles of original horizontality, superposition (the younger rock over the older) and faunal succession.   This latter term meant that fossils of life generated more recently in time would be contained in younger rock.  With these principles it became possible to correlate strata from widely separated areas.   It also became possible to name the periods of geologic history, since each stratum of rock with its characteristic fossils was connected with a defined period in the development of the earth.     The entire exhibit “Evolving Planet” is based on the insights of James Hutton, William Smith and their contemporaries.  They provided the tools with which the puzzle of geologic time could be solved. 

As we enter “Evolving Planet” we are surrounded by the world of the Precambrian.   This is the eon in the earth’s history between its formation around 4.5 billion years ago from material orbiting the sun  and the explosion of multicellular  life during the succeeding period, the Cambrian, which started 543 million years ago. The ocean of the Precambrian  is greenish in tint.  Active volcanoes spread lava on the land.  The atmosphere is rich in ammonia and methane, neither of which, of course, are visible as such in this exhibit.      The change to our oxygen-rich atmosphere has not yet occurred.  .  Although the Precambrian occupies almost nine tenths of the earth’s time span remarkably little is known about it.  Precambrian rocks are hard to find.  They either have been eroded with the passage of time or lie buried below layers of more recently deposited materials. There are some evidences of life from as long ago as 3.4 billion years.  Well preserved bacteria that old have been found in Western Australia.  The origin of that life is unknown.  Possible mechanisms of life formation are shown in the Field’s Precambrian section.

As we pass out of the Precambrian we come to the periods in which the life forms, the structure of the continents and the rock formations are much better understood.  Technically the whole span of geologic time, from the end of the Precambrian to the present, is known as the Phanerozoic.  The bulk of the Field’s exhibit “Evolving Planet” is composed of materials and illustrations from the Phanerozoic.   The Phanerozoic in turn is divided into periods, starting with the Cambrian, which commenced 543 million years ago.    As we walk through the Field’s “Evolving Planet” painted posts tell us which period we are in.  Should we bother to concern ourselves with these periods?  Knowledge of them will not help us much in our daily lives.  However they are entitled to a certain amount of respect.  In the first place the time contained within each of these periods is long, ranging from the Silurian, which lasted only 26 million years, to the Cretacious, which persisted for 79 million.  Secondly, knowledge of them and of their unique characteristics allows us to orient ourselves in the world from which we ourselves have arisen.  And finally, they are the signposts which let us know where we are as we walk through “Evolving Planet”.  So here goes.  Starting with the oldest, the Cambrian, which lasted 53 million years, between 543 million years ago and 490 million years ago, we read:

Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian,

Then a break for a massive extinction at the end of the Permian

Then the age of the dinosaurs:  Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretacious

Then another massive extinction, when the dinosaurs disappeared, leaving as their only descendants the robins, chickadees, humming birds and other bird friends that brighten our lives. 

Then the 65 million years of the age of mammals, ending with us. 

You say, “I can’t cope with all these names.”  I say, “Perhaps not, but let’s try.  Let’s use a mnemonic, a device left over from medical school.” 

Let’s try C O S D - C P:  “Cats obsess some dogs, cruel pooches”.    Cats (Cambrian), obsess (Ordovician), some (Silurian), dogs (Devonian)  -   cruel (Carboniferous), pooches (Permain). That takes care of the  six   periods of the Paleozoic.     The  three periods belonging to the Mesozoic,   the age of dinosaurs,  are easy:   Triassic,    Jurassic (in the middle, from the movie), and Cretacious.   After the Cretacious we are off and running in the age of mammals. 

            Each of these periods was associated with changes in the continents due to plate techtonics and with increasingly complex life forms.  These planetary changes and developing life forms appear in the exhibits of “evolving planet”.  In the Cambrian period  early life forms exploded in the seas, including strage looking animals which have no modern equivalent.  By the Ordovician trilobites were widespread and green algae  had appeared.  The Silurian was a period of great development.   Big bony fish with movable jaws dominated the ocean.  Vascular plants appeared on land as did the first terrestrial animals.  In the Devonian fish developed legs and began to walk on the earth.  In the ocean giant armored placoderms, fish with plates over their heads and upper body, appeared in the ocean, along with the ancestors of sharks. 

These geologic periods were not identified in an orderly fashion, but rather randomly, as strata of rock and their fossil content were examined, and as findings in one geographic location were compared with those in others.  As one might expect, the first period to be clearly described was by the commercially minded British.  In 1822 William Conybeare and William Phillips coined the term “Carboniferous” or coal-bearing to describe a succession of rocks rich in coal in north-central England.  In the Field Museum’s exhibit the world of the Carboniferous appears as a hot, moist forest of large trees and large insects.    As those trees fell, rotted, and were buried under pressure, seams of coal were formed.    The Carboniferous lies in the Paleozoic era, before the mass extinction at the end of the Permian. 

The Carboniferous was followed by the Permian, named after the town of Perm in Russiaa, where the stratum of rock from that geologic period was originally identified.  During the Permain a strange animal, the synapsid, showed up.  You will see stunning examples at the Field.  These were the large  beasts with huge fins sprouting from their backs.  The purpose of these fan-like structures is unknown.  Did they dissipate heat? Collect heat? Attract mates? Frighten potential adversaries?  Perhaps all of the above.  In any event, they and the animals to which they were attached did not survive the Permian extinction, and no successors are alive today.

A Frenchman, D’Omalius, found a common sequence of soft limestones, greensands, and related marls along the coastal regions bordering the North Sea and the Baltic and named it the Terrain Cretace.   Again those pesky English came along, in 1822  renamed D’Omalius’ period the “Cretaceous”, and so it remains today.  The Cretaceous was the last time span within which the dinosaurs flourished.  The Field’s great Tyrannosaurus skeleton nicknamed “Sue” came from a beast which lived during the Cretaceous.  At the end of the Cretaceous something happened – perhaps the arrival of a giant meteor -, and the dinosaurs vanished. The Cretaceous is prominent once more at the Field Museum (along with the preceding Triassic and Jurassic periods) in the   hall of dinosaurs, the centerpiece of  “Evolving Planet”.  There you can see Herrerasaurus, Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus,  Apatosaurus, and the other members of the crew of Jurassic Park – and of Triassic Park and of Cretaceous Park.  They are an impressive lot. 

When the dinosaurs vanished the mammals crept out of their holes and began to evolve.  They were given 65 million years in which to perform.  During this period the animals with which we are familiar, the horses, foxes, deer,   porcupines, and all the other mammalian inhabitants of the animal world took shape.  Late in this era, about four million years ago, the first humanoid, Australopithicus afarensis, began to walk around the savannas of Africa on two hind legs.  He (or she) is not an important player in this exhibit, but he is there for completeness as he struggles to separate himself from the apes, his cousins. 

The last 1.8 million years before the present was mostly occupied by the Pleistocene, the time of the great glaciers.  The last great hall of “Evolving Planet” is home to the animals of the Pleistocene.  Most of them are big, even huge.  Large size (or a large volume to surface ration) was an asset during a time of the glaciers, which marked the Pleistocene.  In this hall we meet a mammoth, a mastodon, saber-toothed tigers, a ground sloth perhaps 18 feet tall and a short-faced bear perhaps 10 feet from paw to snout.  The Irish Elk, which sported enormous antlers, is there as well.  How our ancestors made it alive through the ranks of these competitors remains a mystery.,  However, we are still here and they are gone, which is too bad in many ways, since they were impressive. 


Now you will notice that we have casually  thrown around dates for events in the world’s past.  For example we have implied that the earth itself coalesced from material in orbit around the sun roughly 4.5 billion years ago and have stated that the explosion of life which ended the Precambrian occurred 543 million years ago.  These are absolute dates in the geologic time scale.  They were not available to the pioneers in the field of geochronology in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.  These men dealt only with the relative time scale.  They determined that the fossils associated with the Ordovician were older than those of the Silurian, and that these latter preceded in time those of the Devonian.  They did not pretend to know when each of these periods started and stopped, in other words the absolute time scale. 

 Efforts, of course, were made to determine at least the age of the earth itself.    The notion that salt had leached out of the land into the ocean at a constant rate was first proposed in 1691 and reinvestigated by John Joly in Ireland in 1899.  He measured the salt in the ocean and  proposed that these oceans had been created between 80 and 90 million years ago.  Buffon, in France in 1775, measured the rate of cooling of iron balls of various sizes and extrapolated his findings to the size of the earth.  He concluded that the earth was 74, 832 years old.  The British physicist Lord Kelvin applied thermodynamic principles to the supposed cooling of the earth and concluded, also in 1899, that the earth was between 20 and 40 million years old.  Other investigators looked at rates of sediment accumulation with equally dicey results.

Finally a satisfactory method of determining the age of rocks came from the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in France 1896 and the subsequent finding that radioactive elements decay at a constant rate over time.  This latter observation was key to our understanding of absolute geologic time.  The notion that we might use studies of radioactivity made today as though they had been valid four billion years ago goes back to James Hutton’s principle “that events occurring today at the earth’s surface have their counterparts in processes occurring in geologic time”.    Thus if one could measure the content of a radioactive element in a rock and simultaneously the amount of a daughter element  and if one knew the rate of decay of the element, then the age of the rock could be determined.  In 1905 the British physicist John Willliam Strutt succeeded in analyzing the helium content of a radium-containing rock.  He determined that its age was 2 billion years.  In 1911 one of Strutt’s students, Arthur Holmes, investigated rocks from several Paleozoic geologic periods as well as those from the Precambrian.  As a result of his work and that of his successors, the relative geologic time scale was numerically quantified and converted into the absolute time scale  of geologic periods and events which we use today.

It’s hard to conceptualize the time spans of the absolute time scale of earthly existence.  Perhaps one way to approach this challenge is to take a familiar time span and see how it compares with geologic time.  The Norman Conquest of England took place about a thousand years ago.  The time between now and then is our handhold on a thousand years.  A  million years, the time from the present  to the middle of the Pleistocene, is a thousand times our base thousand years.    65 million years, the time to the dinosaur die-off,  is 65 times that.   In other words the time back to the Norman Conquest is 1/65,000  of the time to the last Tyrannosaurus, a mere blip.  Our base  thousand years is slightly less than 1/500,000 th of the time back to the Precambrian, when multicellular life first appeared on earth, a blip of a blip.  And, of course, most of earth’s history, 9/10ths of it, took place during the long years of the Precambrian, when the only living witnesses to events on earth  were a few bacteria.

Knowledge of the age of the planet earth, knowledge of the life forms which have flourished during the different geologic periods, knowledge of the first appearance of man-like creatures perhaps four million years ago and of the emergence of  man from his base in Africa between 1.6 and 2 million years ago should give us some insight into our position in the evolutionary scale.  It should emphasize to us our responsibility for the earth, of which we are the very recently arrived remaindermen,   and  our kinship with and responsibility for the other creatures on this fragile earth.   

All  these considerations are brought  to mind  during a walk through the Field Museum’s “Evolving Planet”


                                                            Robert W. Carton

                                                            27 May 2007